About Us

Tec-Hub, a Hong Kong based company established since 1999 with branch office in Shenzhen China.
We specialized on Industry supplies, Kitchen equipment & Body care products such as:
  • Finger cots & Gloves for Hi-Tec Industry
  • Kitchen equipment for F&B Industry
  • Personal care products for retails
We are committed to produce high quality, safe, reliable products & service to our valued customers & business partners.

Our Brand

  1. TEClean (Nitrile Finger Cots and Gloves) & TCSqp

    Exclusive authorized distributor for China market

  2. OvO EGGcellence

    Egg processing machine & Sous Vide machine

  3. LuckyLime

    Body Shampoo Exclusive distributor of Hong Kong market

Our Team

Who’s behind the scenes?

Our Management Team consists of the interlocking functions of creating policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing our company resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy.
Research & Development
Our R&D department represents the activities companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services and also improve our existing offerings. it will allows our company to stay ahead on competition.
Customer Service
Our customer service department responsible to solve our customer problem such like pre-sales,after sales issue, and also provide good customer experience to our customer
Sales & Marketing
Our Sales & Marketing department are work together to one goal,it promotes our business and drives sales of our products or services. we also do necessary research to identify our target customers and other audiences.
20Year Experience
7000000Product Solds

Brief History of Our Company

March, 2015

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non dolor ultricies, porttitor justo non, pretium mi.

February, 2015

Phasellus id dignissim orci, non pulvinar ex. Donec id lectus ut sem porta blandit et venenatis nunc.

March, 2015

Sed aliquet tempus aliquam. Etiam feugiat ornare massa, vel tincidunt tortor dignissim at. Donec quis tincidunt nisi. Integer tempus diam et felis finibus imperdiet. Ut ornare nunc eget purus commodo, sed rutrum ante viverra. Fusce fringilla euismod lorem vel aliquet. Etiam blandit efficitur massa.

May, 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non dolor ultricies, porttitor justo non, pretium mi.

March, 2010

Fusce fringilla euismod lorem vel aliquet.


What They Are Saying
